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Quality Investing Part 2: The Importance of Discipline

Quality Investing Part 2: The Importance of Discipline

As part of our Quality Investing series, William Preston, Portfolio Manager of the FAM Dividend Focus Fund, and Anne Putnam, Senior Vice President:

  • Review Fenimore’s approach of using quality in active management to structure portfolios
  • Help us understand what statistically reinforces investors need to be long-term focused and how to assist in managing emotion in a bear market


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Quality Investing Part 3: Risk Analysis at FAM

Quality Investing Part 3: Risk Analysis at FAM

As part of our Quality Investing series, William Preston, Portfolio Manager of the FAM Dividend Focus Fund, and Anne Putnam, Senior Vice President:

  • Define risk as it is considered at Fenimore
  • Discuss Fenimore’s investment approach from initial screening through allocation as we seek select, quality businesses


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Quality Investing: Its Impact During Down Markets

Quality Investing: Its Impact During Down Markets

Investment Insights: Fenimore’s Latest White Paper

William Preston, Portfolio Manager of the FAM Dividend Focus Fund, discusses how Fenimore’s mutual funds have performed in down markets over the decades and analyzes their quality characteristics.

Highlights Include:

  • Achieving long-term investment goals usually depends on staying invested during down markets and having an established risk management process.
  • The downside capture ratio of Fenimore’s three equity mutual funds helps quantify the benefits of our risk management approach.
  • Fenimore Asset Management conducts firsthand research and seeks to invest in select, quality businesses. We believe it is our holdings’ collective quality characteristics that have helped our mutual funds typically outperform during down markets.

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Will Preston


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Letter From Cobleskill: Autumn 2022

Letter From Cobleskill: Autumn 2022

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    Dear Fellow Shareholder,

    As the leaves begin to change color in Upstate New York and the nights become chilly, my fall routine kicks into gear. The first thing I do is call my perennial firewood supplier to negotiate the price and place an order. After much friendly banter during our recent call, this hard-working entrepreneur said that there will be a large price increase in 2022. Higher labor, gasoline, truck and equipment maintenance, and overall operational costs give him no choice but to raise the price. This pattern is being repeated throughout our economy.

    So, it’s not surprising that shareholders are primarily asking us the following questions:

    1. Are we in, or headed for, a recession?
    2. What does this mean to me and my investments?
  • FAM Letter From Cobleskill Autumn 2022

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There is a current debate about the official definition of a recession. Whether we are technically in a recession or not, there’s no doubt that most consumers are feeling the pain of higher interest rates and high inflation.

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) defines a recession’s start and end dates. It relies on government information that takes time to compile, so it cannot officially designate a recession until after it starts. At the same time, the NBER’s research shows that, from February 1945 to June 2009, recessions averaged 10.8 months in duration and the expansionary periods that followed averaged 60.2 months.

Since no one knows how much longer this difficult environment will last, it can understandably create apprehension. After many conversations about this first question, however, we’ve come to understand that shareholders are ultimately seeking an answer to the second question.


If you’re wondering if your FAM Funds investments are strong enough to weather the downturn, we believe the answer is “yes.” Our goal is to invest in quality businesses that have a strong balance sheet and manageable debt; cash profits to invest in growth or pay dividends; a distinct competitive differentiator; and a talented and ethical management team.

We want these companies to be positioned to not only perform well in good times, but to endure the most challenging economic conditions — and even increase market share — while emerging on the other side poised for future growth.


Fenimore’s research analysts continue to visit businesses, tour facilities, and have face-to-face meetings with management teams of existing holdings and prospective investments. During the month of September alone, we had 32 meetings throughout the U.S. and 8 phone calls.

This firsthand, in-depth, company-level research provides invaluable insights that help us gain a better understanding of the current challenges facing businesses while reinforcing our confidence in our holdings’ abilities to persevere and potentially thrive during a variety of environments. We believe we have a collection of quality companies that can build wealth over the long term.


Fenimore is pleased to welcome Christian Snyder as our new president. He succeeds Debra Pollard, who announced her retirement after 30 years of service to our investors, associates, and community. A Cobleskill native, Deb returned to her hometown after college. During her tenure, Deb earned a steady series of promotions culminating in her appointment as president in 2016. She will remain here to help with the transition over the next few months. Deb is a dear friend and we wish her all the best as she moves into a new phase of life!

Christian joins us after working in the financial services industry for nearly two decades, most recently serving as Chief Operating Officer of the Wealth Strategies Group at Goldman Sachs Ayco Personal Financial Management. He will work closely with our management team to help guide the firm. Christian earned his bachelor’s degree in mathematical economics from Colgate University, law degree from Suffolk University Law School, and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. He and his family live in Saratoga Springs, NY.


Whenever you have questions about your investments, please contact us. Everyone has unique needs, plans, and life circumstances. For example, you may be relying on your investments to pay bills or preserve your principal, or you may be in a position to purchase more mutual fund shares while stocks are on sale.

Through one-on-one conversations, we can get to the heart of your financial objectives, explain your options, and give you the information and confidence you need to make an educated decision. Our associates are invested alongside you, so we are sensitive to your concerns and goals.

Please remember that our team is here for you at our Cobleskill and Albany offices, by phone at 800-932-3271, or via email at

Thank you for your trust and friendship.

John D. Fox, CFA



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Saving for a Child’s College vs. Saving for Retirement

Saving for a Child’s College vs. Saving for Retirement

Kevin Smith, CFP®, Director of Fenimore’s Private Client Services, provides insights on this popular subject. For a more in-depth look at whether you are building enough wealth for your desired retirement lifestyle, watch Kevin’s video, “Investing for What Matters Most.”

Full Video



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Investing for What Matters Most

Investing for What Matters Most

Fenimore’s Director of Private Client Services, Kevin Smith, CFP®, hosts this investor education video and covers topics such as:

  • How Your Savings Compare to Your Age Group
  • How Much Should You Save and Where
  • Paying Down Debt vs. Investing
  • Understanding Different Retirement Accounts
  • The Impact of Inflation on Your Savings
  • An Action Item Checklist


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Firsthand Research Gives Us Confidence

Firsthand Research Gives Us Confidence

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    At Fenimore Asset Management, we never try to avoid an economic slowdown. Instead, our investment research team spends its energy on finding and owning what we believe are quality companies that can weather economic turbulence and emerge from volatile periods even stronger. This includes businesses with strong, sustainable cash generation, sound balance sheets with little financial leverage, and capable management teams.

    To ensure that we have our finger on the pulse of their operations, our investment research analysts are on the road visiting companies, touring facilities, and having face-to-face meetings with management teams. It’s these in-person meetings — a longtime tenet of Fenimore’s research process — that help us gain a better understanding of the current macroeconomic challenges facing businesses while reinforcing our confidence in our holdings’ abilities to persevere and potentially thrive during a variety of environments.

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    Fenimore’s Investment FEATURES
    • Independent, In-Depth Research
      Fenimore’s extensive due diligence begins with a detailed analysis of the business, leadership, and markets to understand company fundamentals and the competitive landscape.
    • Guided by Quality
      We seek to invest in quality businesses that demonstrate defensible competitive differentiators.
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    Business-First Approach

    For nearly five decades, we have followed our business-first investment approach of conducting in-depth research at the company level. Fenimore’s steadfast focus is to invest in a collection of quality businesses that we think are becoming more valuable over time — regardless of the short-term political or economic environment.

Will Preston Quote Will Preston
Looking Ahead

During these uncertain times, it is certain that our team will remain committed to Fenimore’s investment philosophy and principles that have successfully guided us through difficult times since 1974. We believe that our holdings will partake in future growth because their management teams are focused on shareholder interests and they possess strong financial footings to help them endure the current decline and potentially prosper when the markets recover.

John Fox John Fox Quote

All investing involves risk including the possible loss of principal. Before investing, carefully read the fund’s prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and other information about the fund. Please call us at 800-721-5391 or visit for a prospectus or summary prospectus.

Securities offered through Fenimore Securities, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC, and advisory services offered through Fenimore Asset Management, Inc.



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