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Institutions engage with Fenimore to partner with an independent, risk-focused, dedicated asset management firm that thinks about investing differently. From our perspective on concentration to our definition of value, our approach is unique.

We have delivered fundamental research, bottom-up security selection, and concentrated portfolio management since 1974.

Dividend Focus
Small Cap
Mid Cap

Dividend Focus

Fenimore Dividend Focus Equity SMA Composite

  • Dividend Focus seeks to maximize total return through a combination of capital appreciation and dividend income.
  • Unlike most dividend strategies that invest in large capitalization stocks, Dividend Focus primarily invests in quality mid-cap companies that pay growing dividends – not simply high current dividend yields.
  • A growing dividend can be a good indicator of the health of a company and its potential for future success.
  • Dividend Focus targets a long holding period, typically 5+ years, which allows stocks to compound, resulting in low turnover and a tax efficient strategy.*

* See Investment Management Agreement for additional important information.
Contains the views of Fenimore Asset Management.
Past performance does not indicate future results.

Small Cap

Fenimore Small Cap SMA Composite

  • Relentless fundamental research focused on an investable universe of approximately 100 quality companies.
  • Concentrated portfolio construction of typically 20 to 30 holdings.
  • Extensive engagement of management and industry participants.
  • Contrarian; we seek companies under a rock or under a cloud.
  • Risk management guidelines: 2% to 4% initial position size and target max sector exposure of 2x benchmark.
  • Aim to purchase profitable companies with a margin of safety and seek long-term growth.* 

*See Investment Management Agreement for additional important information.
Contains the views of Fenimore Asset Management.


Fenimore Midcap Equity SMA Composite

  • Concentrated Midcap strategy with a focus on business quality first.
  • Portfolio construction: 20 to 30 holdings.
  • Risk-managed construction: Max sector exposure of 2x benchmark.
  • Mid-caps offer a broad range of quality businesses defined by growing cash profits, high returns of capital, strong balance sheets and exceptional management. 
  • Good access to and engagement of management teams.
  • Objective of purchasing with a Margin of Safety — allowing capital to compound at high rates of return.* 

*See Investment Management Agreement for additional important information.
Contains the views of Fenimore Asset Management.