Firsthand Research: We Know Our Banks
Updated May 5, 2023
Our independent, in-depth research approach brings confidence amidst stress in the banking sector.
Despite recent news about the collapse of First Republic, following Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, we want to give you comfort about Fenimore’s bank holdings. A hallmark of our investment process is to personally know what we own and be guided by quality—the banks in which we invest are no different.
Given the current state of the banking industry, our research analysts responded as you would expect—they got on the phone and the road to talk with our banks. Sure, they read all the public materials available to investors, however, the value of our research philosophy is the relationships we have built with the management teams of the banks we invest in. In the past few weeks, we have confirmed our assumptions through a combination of phone calls, video meetings, and trips to visit our banks. This work has been reassuring, and we remain convinced that the banks we invested in on your behalf are sound.

Andrew Boord
Portfolio Manager, FAM Small Cap Fund
Background and what makes our bank holdings different:
While the circumstances that led to the demise of these three banks are somewhat complex, their foundations were built with “hot deposits” whereas Fenimore’s banks are standing on primarily “core deposits.”
A typical bank is primarily funded by deposits from individuals and small businesses with balances well under the $250,000 FDIC maximum. Most banks have a limited number of uninsured deposits. Additionally, while they may have some bonds and loans with unfortunately low interest rates, most of their assets have interest rates that adjust automatically or reprice within a few short years. Additionally, many banks have plenty of liquidity and therefore could pay out all their uninsured deposits quickly.
Here is a basic summary and what it means to you:
- Transactional Business Model: The most recent failure, First Republic, specialized in providing fixed-rate jumbo mortgages to the elite at low interest rates. They also had a much higher level of uninsured deposits that far exceeded the $250,000 FDIC insurance limit. These “hot deposits” can leave quickly—and they did. When interest rates increased and Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank failed in March, First Republic depositors pulled their money causing another cascading effect and crash.
- Relational Business Model: Fenimore’s regional banks are in the relationship business. They receive deposits from the community primarily for consumer checking accounts, business accounts, and savings accounts. These banks then loan most of that money back into the same community. They keep a modest amount of the deposits in bonds to earn some money, yet diversify their risk intelligently in our opinion.
By design, our banks rely almost entirely on core deposits that tend to be a vast collection of depositors with modest balances, so they are not dependent on a few customers or one industry of customers
- Three Bank Holdings: While the banking industry has been facing various headwinds, we do not foresee a run on any of our banks. Additionally, across all portfolios and among our many holdings, Fenimore only owns stock in three banks as of 5/3/2023 — our exposure is limited.
The federal government has stepped in and declared that all First Republic, Silicon Valley Bank, and Signature Bank depositors will have access to all of their money immediately. The Federal Reserve also created a new program that will lend money to banks for up to one year. It’s probable that the government could continue to intervene, as necessary, to calm any fears.
In April, most banks reported first quarter results that were impressive. Profits were generally solid with very few bad loans. Most banks saw only trivial amounts of deposits flow out during the tumultuous weeks of March. While there may still be a few outlier banks that are similar to the three major banks that have failed, it should be limited to a bank or two, not the whole system.
Finally, as we’ve stated in several recent communications, Fenimore believes that we have a collection of quality investments that are positioned well for the long term. We hope these insights are helpful.
As your trusted investment partner, we are here for you. Please do not hesitate to contact us at 800.721.5391 with any questions.
Securities offered through Fenimore Securities, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC, and advisory services offered through Fenimore Asset Management, Inc.
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